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A non-traditional touristic vacation

nu aveti inca planuri de vacanta? pai ce mai asteptati???

aha, nu stiti unde...pai EDEN va propune cele mai excelente destinatii europene de vacanta: cele mai pitoresti si non-conventionale sit-uri turistice ce si-au pastrat originalitatea si valoarea!

De data asta Romania ne reprezinta la nivelul cel mai inalt : Apuseni si Horezu!

deci e doar pentru cunoscatori...da stiti si voi ;)


Male Cancers are also a woman's concern

An awareness initiative with a very smart message!

The Cancer Support Group is increasingly aware that women have really understood the message about the need for regular health checks but men, whatever their age, not so much. Male cancer sufferers also tend to react differently to the news, by keeping silent and withdrawing from social life, which can considerably diminish their ability to deal with their illness.


European Job Days 2010

locuri de muncaaaaa :)

What happens at a European Job Day? It’s simple – employers and jobseekers meet to see if they are a good fit. There are hundreds of events taking place all over Europe.

Every year, EURES (European Employment Services) teams throughout the EU organize hundreds of ‘European Job Days’ – the perfect place to recruit, to meet employers, to discuss your plans with a EURES Adviser or to find out more about how the EU can help you.

Nu cautati evenimente in Romania (in Eures Events Calendar) ca nu este...


13.000 KM in a car WITHOUT a driver

European Research Center este prima institutie europeana fondata pentru a sprijini proiecte de cercetare stiintifica cu o abordare "bottom-up", adica pornind de la o idee ;)

Finantat prin FP7, acest centru investeste an de an in proiecte care cu siguranta vor schimba lumea ;)
O lista cu cele mai interesante initiative gasiti aici.

Eu am urmarit acest proiect: Intercontinental Autonomous Challenge

  • 13.000 de km in doar 3 luni: din Italia pana in Shanghai

  • intr-o masina ce nu are nevoie de sofer si nici de benzina!

  • live streaming aici. Check them online ;)
Initiativa vrea sa demonstreze ca se pot transporta bunuri de pe un continent pe altul, in conditii climatice normale dar si dificile, cu mijloace de transport complet autonome si nepoluante!

ce bine ar suna viitorul asta...


EC invests in ICT Research

The European Commission has today announced one of the biggest calls ever for information and communications technology (ICT) research proposals under the EU's research framework programmes.

It will result in project funding of € 780 million in 2011. This funding will advance research on the future internet, robotics, smart and embedded systems, photonics, ICT for energy efficiency, health and well-being in an ageing society, and more. Under the Digital Agenda for Europe, the Commission has committed to maintaining the pace of a 20% yearly increase of the annual ICT R&D budget at least until 2013.

Deci, investiti in IT: it's a sure bet ;)


European Day of Languages

Am uitat sa scriu despre asta...a fost acum cateva zile pe 26 Septembrie si o multitudine de evenimente au celebrat bogatia lingvistica a Europei.

Pe site-ul dedicat Multilingvismului se gasesc totodata statistici interesante, programe de tot felul si chiar si un Eurobarometru.

Prin acest post celebrez si eu Limba Romana - una din cele 23 limbi oficiale ale UE ;)

PS: ce bine era cand aveam Comisar pe multi-lingvism...dar lasa ca e mai bine acum :)


PS: faceti acest Quiz super funny sa aflati de unde provine expresia Ciao ;)