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La multi ani 2013!!!

EC-insider va ureaza un an mai bun cu mai multe realizari europene!

Sa ne citim cu bine si in 2013 ;)

PS: recomand cu ocazia sarbatorilor si a perioadei cadourilor un blog de creatii handmade - Jolie Colliers.


EURES: Romanian Job Fair attracts 1 500 graduates

In cooperation with local employment services, EURES Romania has been organising job fairs for graduates for the last ten years. This year, the Public Employment Service in Prahova joined the cooperation and organised their first job fair exclusively for graduates.

Le premier salon de l'emploi de ce type tenu à Prahova, en Roumanie, s'est avéré être un succès fulgurant - environ 1 500 demandeurs d'emploi et 40 employeurs ont assisté à l'événement à Ploiesti.

more on EURES News.

PS: EURES = The European Job Mobility Portal

The purpose of EURES is to provide information, advice and recruitment/placement (job-matching) services for the benefit of workers and employers as well as any citizen wishing to benefit from the principle of the free movement of persons.


EU Careers: last AST3 competitions for 2012

This winter brings assistants posts: 2012 was a difficult year so the posts that will be published this time are not very appealing - just AST3 for Audit, Statistics, Economics, Finances and Accounting.

And for 2013 the EU recruiting plans are deeply sad and, your dreams to become European staff will need to wait!

The enrolling for the AST3 starts on 20 December 2012.
The address is well known - 

Ask Santa for lots of inspiration and start practicing reasoning tests!!!
Abstract Reasoning tests can also be found in the iTunes App Store.

Hohoho...and good luck!


“From war to peace: a European tale” - speech Nobel Peace Price

The EU received on 10 December 2012 the 
Nobel Peace Prize!!!

The speech was addressed by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council & José Manuel Durão Barroso, President of the European Commission.

The speeches can be found in Rapid.

Read it in peace ;)


European Year of Citizens 2013

Under the slogan "it's about Europe, it's about YOU", the European Year of Citizens 2013 is dedicated to the rights that come with EU citizenship.
Over this year, we will encourage dialogue between all levels of government, civil society and business at events and conferences around Europe to discuss those EU rights and build a vision of how the EU should be in 2020. One of the actions (from European Commission and Committee of Regions): The EU Citizens Passport!
The EU Citizens Passport is an information leaflet with a difference: it mimics the look and feel of a real passport, and is full of useful information about the European Union. It also provides a brief summary, in 24 languages, of the EU-level rights that come with the European Union Citizenship that all nationals of the European Union's member states enjoy in addition to their national rights.


Nobel Peace Prize 2012 awarded to European Union

The EU has received the 2012 award for advancing the causes of peace, reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe. In its announcement on 12 October, the Norwegian Nobel Committee said its decision was based on the stabilizing role the EU has played in transforming most of Europe from a continent of war to a continent of peace.

The EU’s most important achievement, according to the committee, has been "the successful struggle for peace and reconciliation and for democracy and human rights".
The European Union is the 21st international organisation to win the award since 1901.

Le prix sera décerné à Oslo, le 10 décembre. À l'instar des autres lauréats, l'UE le recevra des mains du président du comité Nobel. Elle sera représentée par le président du Conseil européen, le président de la Commission européenne et le président du Parlement européen. Le discours traditionnel du Nobel sera prononcé, au nom de l'UE, par les présidents Van Rompuy et Barroso. L'UE reversera le montant du prix (930 000 euros) à des projets destinés à aider les enfants victimes de guerres et de conflits.

Pentru a marca acest moment istoric, instituţiile UE şi Forumul European al Tineretului au organizat un concurs în care tinerii au avut posibilitatea să explice ce înseamnă pentru ei pacea în Europa. Câştigătorii îi vor însoţi pe liderii UE la Oslo pentru ceremonia de decernare a premiului.


20 years of EU Single Market !!!

Europe must act now to create more prosperity and jobs. And it must do this urgently in the wake of the financial crisis. That is why the European Commission adopted the Single Market Act, a series of measures to boost the European economy and create jobs.
Since 1992, the Single Market has brought tremendous benefits and created new opportunities. But free movement of goods, services, capital and people does not always happen smoothly. There is no truly integrated European market in some fields. Pieces of legislation are missing. And administrative obstacles and lacking enforcement leave the full potential of the Single Market unexploited.
En octobre 2012, la Commission a proposé un second paquet de mesures (Acte pour le marché unique II) afin de continuer à développer le marché unique et d’exploiter tout son potentiel pour stimuler la croissance.
Single Market Policies cover living and working in the EU, a single market for goods, for services, financial services and capital markets, etc.


EU Prize for Literature 2012 - celebration of Europe's best emerging authors

The aim of the European Prize for Literature is to put the spotlight on the creativity and diverse wealth of Europe’s contemporary literature in the field of fiction, to promote the circulation of literature within Europe and encourage greater interest in non-national literary works.
The works of the selected winners (one per country participating in the prize on a rotation basis) will reach a wider and international audience, and touch readers beyond national and linguistic borders.
The prize (5.000 Euro for each winner) is financed by the Culture Programme of the European Union whose objective is to achieve three main goals: to promote cross-border mobility of those working in the cultural sector; to encourage the transnational circulation of cultural and artistic output; and to foster intercultural dialogue.
The competition is opened to all 37 countries involved in the EU Culture Programme run by EC - DG EAC. This year the selected countries are: Austria , Croatia , France , Hungary , Ireland , Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Poland , Portugal, Slovakia and Sweden. So, 12 winners, Romania is not on the winners' list. Maybe next year...
The prizes were awarded in November 2012 in Brussels.


The European Online Film Festival

1st edition of Streams: 1-31 December 2012

The festival is accessible simultaneously in seven countries and comprises a carefully curated selection of fourteen recent films that haven’t yet premiered outside of their national territories. Choose your country’s platform and discover an incredible mix of exclusive feature films and documentaries from across Europe.

En Belgique plusieurs films roumaines sont disponible online a emprunter et visioner: 4 mois, 3 semaines et 2 jours; East of Bucharest; L'Autobiographie de Nicolae Ceausescu; California Dreaming; Comment j'ai fêté la fin du monde; Contes de l'âge d'or; Félicia, avant tout; If I want to whistle, I whistle; Mardi, après Noël; Transylvania, etc


Greva la Comisia Europeana

Comisia negociaza intens zilele acestea planul bugetar 2014-2020 intr-un context destul de tensionat si nesigur: Germania cere federalizare, UK vrea sa plece, Cipru cere reduceri de 50 mld Euro, economia europeana e inca subreda, banii se gasesc greu si toate guvernele UE tin cu dintii de bugetele proprii.

In acest context, cand mai toate administratiile statelor membre fac drastice reduceri bugetare si de personal, si administratie europeana trebuie sa faca sacrificii. Statele membre au cerut acest lucru iar managementul UE "is committed" sa transmita un mesaj politic de solidaritate: "Do More with Less", unde LESS se traduce prin crestere zero de personal, eficientizarea muncii, norma minima de 8 ore de munca pe zi, eliminarea redundantelor administrative, rationalizare in tot si toate. 

Ahh, era sa uit ce era mai important: cateva beneficii salariale (alocatiile de exemplu) ar fi si ele timid amenintate de acest program de sacrificiu european. Si de aceea, toate sindicatele Comisiei (da, sunt mai multe) au organizat pe 8 Noiembrie o greva generala si o adunare a grevistilor in fata sediului central al Comisiei de la Brussels - cladirea Berlaymont:

O imagine mitica: cativa functionari europeni au parasit birourile cu gratii la ferestre (a se vedea poza) si au iesit in strada la o manifestare pasnica pentru protejarea drepturilor de munca. Comisarii au privit multimea de la nivelul penthouse iar statele membre au facut poze de peste drum (din cladirea Consiliului) si le-au trimis guvernelor de acasa. 

Cei pro-greva zic ca nu e corect sa dai ceva si apoi sa iei inapoi, ca fara pachete atractive nu poti atrage competentele inalte, ca cei de la NATO au salarii si mai mari, ca doar est-europenii vor mai fi motivati sa se muta la Brussels pentru un post european si ca daca se vor economii atunci sa se taie de la agricultura si cercetare, nu de la administrativ (ce reprezinta doar 6% din bugetul total).

Cei anti-greva considera ca prea e mare rasfatul la Comisie, ca salariile de mii de euro nu sunt intotdeauna justificate, ca este nevoie de solidaritate si implicare, ca idealurile europene nu poate fi motivat doar prin beneficii materiale, si ca sindicatele Comisiei sunt doar o pierdere de timp si de bani. 

Acum, retoric si in fond, ce e de fapt amenintat: bugetul, functionarul sau visul...european? 
On verra!


Situational Judgement tests for iPhone/iPad are now available in App Store

Situational Judgement logo Situational Judgement tests: 

for iPhone     
and for iPad 

The  application is compatible with Retina displays and with iOS 5 and 6.
This application is the best way to practice SJTs anytime and anywhere on your iPhone because of the its characteristics:
  • 4 competencies tested: Analysis and Problem Solving, Delivering Quality and Results, Prioritizing and Organizing and Resilience;
  • NO adds/commercials;
  • NO Internet connection is required;
  • NO expiration limit/date for the tests;
  • there are 5 tests included in the package with 60 questions in total;
  • solutions and explanations are included for all questions;
  • In-App purchase available: competencies and skills analysis based on your tests' scores.


Tests de Raisonnement abstrait pour iPhone

maintenant disponible aussi en Français. Allez vite est commencez pratiquer ;)

C'est la même application, disponible pour iPhone en App Store.


start voting for Water and sanitation are a human right!

The initiative Right4Water is the first one for which online signature can be now collected!!!

This success demonstrates not only that the citizens' initiative campaign works but also that the online tools provided by the European Commission as Open Source can be used to collect the required 1 million online signature. The EC press release explains how important is this first online collection of signatures for an european citizens' initiative.

The Right4Water slogan is:


More details on their website: 

You can sign and support this campaign by filling the online form. I've already done it. You?


Situational Judgement blog launched !!!

The blog is dedicated to Situational Judgement tests (SJTs) and is especially promoting iPhone and iPad applications that can be used to practice such challenging tests.

Check it out and stay tuned as the first application will be soon available ;)


iPad application for abstract reasoning tests is now available

The famous abstract reasoning testing application optimized for iPAD is now ready and can be downloaded from the iStore:

This has only advantages for the iPad owners:
- better visibility for the abstract diagrams;
- better usability;
- user-friendly interface;
- and all the previous advantages are kept (no time limit for the tests and no internet connection required).

all good news that will make you love abstract reasoning tests!!! 


application for Abstract Reasoning tests is now available for Iphone/Ipad

This is the simplest way to practice abstract reasoning tests anytime and anywhere directly on your Iphone or Ipad, because of its features:
  • ZERO adds;
  • NO Internet connection is required;
  • the tests have medium difficulty and have NO expiration limit;
The application is available for download in the App Store. Go and get it ;)


Abstract Reasoning: available on your Iphone soon !!!!

Abstract Reasoning announces that an Iphone application will be made available soon!!!

Get ready to practice and succeed the challenging abstract reasoning tests, while having fun on your Iphone ;)

Until then, check the website for other free resources ;)